Friday, January 20, 2012

My Shower

My shower is fickle at best.

First off, it doesn't even look like a normal shower. The shower head resembles a six inch pipe or a thick silver wand.

Sometimes my shower decides to be nice, sending me warm and toasty water.

But a lot of times, it is luke warm. Or just plain cold.

My favorite (not) is when I'm rinsing my hair in a toasty warm stream of water, only to suddenly be blasted with icy cold. Yelp!

Today. Today I was in the middle of shampooing my hair. Sudsy. My mouth closed so as not to get any water in my mouth. My eyes closed so as not to get soap in my eyes.

And that's exactly when the shower decided to shut off. Completely. No more water. Not even a drizzle or drip.


Me...climbing out of the shower, one-eye open in a Popeye grimace, reaching for my towel, soap dripping from my hair...

I still love Jakarta. But today, I'm missing my American shower. A lot.

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