Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A "True" Bedtime Story

I've been a bit blue over the last two days. Maybe it's the summer heat. Maybe I'm ready for school to start. Maybe I'm tired of the constant, never-ending messes! Or maybe I just feel tired, unproductive, and useless. But whatever the reason, suffice it to say, I've felt blue.

As I tucked Meya in bed tonight she asked, "Mommy, can I tell you a story?"
"Once upon a time, there was a Mommy. And she was the best Mommy in the world because she took care of her children. Her name was Holly and she lived happily ever after. The end."

I was too heart-melted weepy to respond.

"Do you know what, Mommy?"
"What?" I managed to blubber.
"It's a true story."

And it was just the story I needed to hear.


  1. How nice your kids know you are a great mom! That's a great story.

  2. That is so sweet! It's amazing how children have the power to say something so touching one moment and then (as with my girls)turn around and do something on the opposite end of the spectrum in the next! Aahhh Motherhood! I love your stories- thanks for sharing them.

  3. I love when our kids are aware of us and our feelings enough to know what we need to hear :)

  4. Even though I have sensitive boys, I don't think something like this would ever come out of their mouths! There is something sweat about girls and their (our) ability to lift and cheer others emotionally! Jodi

  5. Made me cry too! It's all worth it, isn't it?? You're such a wonderful mom!!!
