Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm unraveling. With six days left, it is all I can do to just hold the bare essentials together. Food. Clothing. Sleep. Family Prayer. That's it.

I think the weekend of hauling all five kids by myself to two soccer games, church, and two social events did me in. My eyes feel like they were punched. My arms ache as though I've spent hours at the gym. And my fingers look like swollen sausages. Come to think of it, my whole body hurts.

My house looks like there was an explosion of food, toys, and laundry. And for the first time since Owen left, I had to break down and cry.

8AM Saturday can not come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I wish we were closer so that we could share the load. Hopefully, the knowledge that things will soon be better will carry you through the rest of the week.
    Love, Southern Mom
