Saturday, March 14, 2009


With the arrival of Baby C, mulit-tasking has taken on a whole new level. Take Thursday afternoon for example. I was sitting on the couch surrounded by all 5. I helped Meya read "Dick and Jane," shouted out spelling words for Leasie's homework, provided feedback to T-man as he built a hot wheels race track, fielded questions as Madi read the last few chapters of Harry Potter 7, and nursed Baby C. AND dinner was cooking on the stove.

My brain felt like it was sumersaulting at hyperspeed in my head!

I've often thought that along with baby care classes offered for new moms, classes called "One-handed Meals" and "One-handed Driving" should be included. And for moms with more than 2 kids: "Multi-tasking Without Insanity" would be lovely.

T-man asked me the other day, "Mom, do you wish you were Curious George?" Hmmm, where was this going? "Why?" I asked. "Because then you could use both your hands and your feet to do stuff!" Yes, Truman. That would be lovely!


  1. yes. Whenever I consider the expansion of my family, I imagine scenes like you described, and I am quickly dissuaded. What lucky kids to have you.

  2. I can see it all. Well done, friend :)
