Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Kindness

Our family went tubing last weekend for my birthday at Whitetail Ski Resort in Pennsylvania. Owen and I took turns with Baby C in the warm, cozy snack lodge. When it was my turn, Meya decided to stay with me. In the corner of the lodge next to the rows of long tables, were a handfull of arcade games. The dings and flashing lights soon enticed Meya. She wandered over and watched a Safari Hunt game. Lions, hyenas, and water buffalo jumped across the large screen.

She was mezmorized. She removed the red plastic "play" rifle and aimed at the screen. She had been watching for good fifteen minutes when a teenage boy walked over to the game. The boy, probably junior-high age, had long dark hair past his shoulders. He wore all black. I had noticed him earlier because he had been sitting at a long table by himself eating lunch. Sensing trouble, I walked quickly over to Meya to get her out of the way, so that the boy could play the game.

"I want to watch!" she said excitedly realizing that the boy with the dollar bill in his hand was about to make the game come alive.
"Okay, but stay out of his way," I cautioned, then returned to my seat to feed Baby C.

After getting situated, I glanced up. The game was on, but the boy was gone. And Meya was holding the rifle. A voice-over on the game was encouraging, "Nice shot." I raced over, totally confused.

"Where'd the boy go?" I asked as Meya was gleefully playing the game.
"He said it was for me," she answered without looking away from the screen. "He's really nice!"

I looked around trying to locate the teenage boy whom I had so quickly judged. But he was gone. I looked out the window at the sea of people with intertubes waiting for their turn on the hill. There were too many black coats. I couldn't find him.

I sat there stunned. Could this boy really have been this selfless? Did he really give up a dollar so my daughter could play? Did he disappear so his kind act could remain anonymous?

With the dings, flashing lights, and squeals of Meya in my ears, I concluded with surprise and appreciation...YES.

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