Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bowling in Jakarta

With a little help from friends...we successfully found a Bowling Alley in Jakarta!! Yay!
We took advantage of having Thursday off from school and work for Ascension Day, and went bowling. This made up for our epic failure two weeks ago.

Madi and Leasie shared a lane with friends Grace, Lillian, and Emma. I had to intercede only once when they thought it would be fun to send two balls down the same lane at the same time (ah teenagers!)
 Dad helped Charlotte - they got a strike! Followed by much fist-pumping and high-fiving.
 Tasi and Lyndi with the kids.
 CJ and I bowl...alas, gutter ball.
Every once in a while, I experience a surreal out-of-Jakarta moment. This is usually when I'm at a mall or restaurant. It is when my immediate surroundings seem so non-Jakarta that I can easily imagine being in America. Today was one of the those days. And as much as we love our experience in Jakarta, it is so very nice to have an American-like outing.

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