Monday, June 4, 2012

I Never...

Since moving to Jakarta, I've had to swallow quite a few "nevers" that I'd uttered in the past.
For example, if you had asked me even five years ago if I thought I'd live in Jakarta, Indonesia someday, I would have said, "No, never." And yet, here I am.
I also never thought I'd run at 4:45 in the morning.
I never thought I'd substitute teach in Middle School...and like it.
I never thought I'd fall in love with a third-world country that is overpopulated and polluted.
And at the same time, I never thought I'd miss America so much.

As of last week, I can add another "never" that I need to amend. 

When I was in my high school history class, two decades ago (yikes), our teacher, Mr. Frank, went around the room and asked us students if we would ever teach high school. 
I replied, "Never."

 And yet, here I am.
I just signed a contract to be a part-time high school English teacher for the 2012-2013 school year at Jakarta International School.  

I get to teach this novel:
 And this one:
And this play:

And I never thought I could be so thrilled, nervous, determined, scared-out-of-my-mind, humbled, and excited all at the same time.
Life is full of surprises.

1 comment:

  1. Your future students will be so glad to have you as their teacher.
