1. Do not sign up to teach four classes at NOVA, plus work part time for non-profit organization, plus be the mother of five children. If you do, the following will occur:
A) You will go crazy.
B) Your house will look like a crime scene. Every. Single. Day.
C) You will be behind in all aspects of your life.
D) You will not write another blog post until the semester is over. (I taught my last class today, can you tell?!)
2. Remember that teaching brings joy - this is important to remember especially when you are in the middle of grading 120 essays. A couple more hints:
A) Do non rewrite your syllabus because you are getting bored with the old syllabus.
B) If you are asked to teach an ENG 111/ENF class...say yes (unless it is the 4th class of a semester - see #1). The second language students work hard, struggle, and inspire. Your ENG 111/ENF class made you a better person.
3. If anyone ever asks you to participate in a 200 mile relay race, say...YES!!! This was hands-down the best thing you did this spring. The laughter, the middle-of-the-night legs, the bonding with your girls and friends, the handoffs, and the joy.
4. Start blogging again. Stick with short blogs. One paragraph tops. Chances are, you'll actually blog more regularly that way.