She toddles up behind me and hugs my leg. "Yadle a yadle a" she babbles with her eyes fixed on mine and her face full of purpose. "I love you too," I tell her.
In the evening as we gather in the living room, she bounces from one person to the next. First on Madi's lap, then crawling on T-man, next chasing Meya, and finally snuggling next to Leasie with her favorite book. She reminds me of a ball in a pinball arcade game.
As we wrote (or illustrated) our annual gratitude lists during Family Home Evening, Baby C was on everyone's list.
She is our glue. She is a blessing.
Yesterday a dream of mine came true! Madi and Leasie joined me in the kitchen with the Thanksgiving pie preparations. I rolled out crusts while they measured and mixed the filling. I handed over the filling recipe, ingredients, and measuring cups to the girls. They worked so nicely together - quite harmoniously (shocking!) - they encouraged each other, complimented each other, and shared duties without complaint or contention. We made a total of six pies - three for the local shelter's Thanksgiving feast and three for our own celebration.
This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for family. For sublime moments of sharing. For cherished moments of peace. For memorable moments of tear-inducing laughter. For satisfactory moments of accomplishment. For comforting moments of my husband's just-got-home-from-work kisses. For bumps, hugs, chaos, homemade meals, heart-felt apologies, squeals, chores, walks, sleep, holidays...and everydays.
Happy Thanksgiving.